The Preacher and His Wife is a moving story about love, conflict, friendships, determination, and the struggle for eternal love in today’s society versus a virtual world.
JNR, lead actor, husband, and pastor in this story is a born traditionalist. He is devoted to his wife and passion for Christ, he feels complete as a man and as a shepherd. He sees nothing wrong with being a pastor in a small church singing and preaching Eternal Love.
Instead, his wife declares the opposite … she’s an ambitious woman in search of spiritual growth but even more enthusiastic about her own success. Which doesn’t mean she’s right and he’s wrong … because the only thing she dreams of is a crowded church with a big gospel choir. Just like the ones in Harlem. Quite the opposite of her husband’s dreams, satisfied and in love with the intimate feelings received from his friends, who happily attended his church.
And so, their battle centered on this one huge point of view: “devoted believers versus fame”.
Another very important topic discussed in this comedy is the Internet! The virtual reality that JNR firmly believes is slowly killing us, but it’s just the lack of information and experience of him. His wife, on the other hand, believes that it is the only reality worth working for, and therefore it is obvious that he should change and follow the systems and learn to speak the language of the Internet.
The next morning, Sherrita organized a “casting day”, as she would call it, right at the church. A total surprise for the priest, who he considered a “miracle”, when he that day he arrived at the church, finding it full of people.
- Title: The Soul Gospel Show
- Original language: English
- Country: Italy – Rimini
- Premiere: December 8th, 2011-Teatro degli Atti
- Company: JMP Jamit Music Production
- Tipologia: Comedy, Gospel
- Direction: Christine Joan
- Book: Christine Joan Johnson
- Basis: The Soul Gospel Show by Christine Joan
- Choreography: Arabesque Dance center
- Scenography: Christine Joan Johnson
- Costumes: Christine Joan Johnson
- Sponsor: Comune di Rimini
- Durata: 2 hours
- Characters and actors: NR Robinson, Sherrita Duran, Fred Aiyvi, Patrice Aiyvi, Sebastiano Perla, Giordano Bruno Luisè, Arabesque Dance center, Marco Sbarbarti (special guest)
Did you know – Angie Whiners
No more drama – Mary J. Blige
When you believe – Sherrita Duran
Never Knew – junior Robinson Fillip Carvalho
You came for me – Sherrita Duran
Adriana – Christine Joan Marco Sbarbati
Ocean – Marco Sbarbati
Kenny West
Wanna Praise – Shackles
Tell you who-remix – Jounior Robinson Ray Lewis
Gotta keep moving – Junior Robinson, John Campbell
O happy day – Edwin Hawkins, Antony Brown
Characters and actors:
• JNR Robinson
• Sherrita Duran
• Fred Aiyvi
• Patrice Aiyvi
• Sebastiano Perla
• Giordano Bruno Luisè
• Arabesque Dance center
Special Guest : Marco Sbarbarti
Sponsor: Comune di Rimini